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Better data + greater insights = more successful events 

Event professionals around the world are making smarter decisions, proving business impact and delivering better event programs – fueled by data and insights from Explori's technology.

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Deutsche Messe
emerald expositions

Game-Changing Intelligence Platforms 

Best-in-class tools for event professionals

Built to address the measurement needs of the events industry & increase event ROI

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Measure the impact of your events in a language the business understands

Leverage insights from strategic measurement, proven research methodologies and real-time intelligence for quick strategic decision-making, future event design, financial optimization and budget justification.

  • Streamline data collection and measurement

  • Access insightful data that shows value

  • Manage your business resources more effectively 


Show the effectiveness of your exhibits with Maxbi

Get detailed insights into your company's trade show activities and results, identify easy opportunities for improvement and benchmark your exhibit performance to optimize returns. 

  • Prove the value of exhibits easily

  • Build exhibit programs based on past success

  • Balance exhibit investment with generated returns 

Group 160848
Who is Explori for?

Tailored solutions for every global event professional

Whether you’re working in-house for a large corporate organization, or trade shows are your business, we have the right solutions for you! 

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Exhibition Organizers
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Leverage Explori’s insights for the necessary intelligence to make informed decisions for businesses. 

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Corporate Leaders
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Get access to data to show the impact of your event strategy on the wider company objectives. 

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Exhibit Marketers
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Measure how your exhibit programs move the sales and marketing dial for organizations. 

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Growth-Focused Event Insights

We enable future growth based on past event insights.

Technology-Driven Processes

We help minimize existing complex, manual processes.

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Fully-Focused on Your Success 

Your dedicated account manager and our customer success team are there to support you and your team.  

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Top-class Event Insights Platform 

Over 8,000 events choose us to understand their business impact.

Why choose EXPLORI?

Insights for all professionals

We are the supplier of choice for thousands of businesses across the world. Wondering why businesses like yours love Explori? Tap the button below!

Check out our latest publications

View our most recent research articles, reports and guides; get free insights helpful to your business.

lEt us show you

Schedule a meeting with one of our measurement specialists

A SaaS platform meets research agency, Explori is an industry leader in event measurement - built specifically with event team challenges in mind.

Our solution empowers organizers to understand the needs of their attendees, informs the future direction of an event portfolio, enables event leaders to demonstrate program and impact, and puts measurement front and center of a robust strategy.

Speak with a team member now.

Group 160858 (3)

Better Data & Greater Insights = More Successful Events 

Event professionals around the world are making smarter decisions, proving business impact and delivering better event programs – fueled by data and insights from Explori.  


Deutsche Messe
emerald expositions

Game-Changing Intelligence Platforms 

Best-in-class tools for event professionals

Built to address the measurement needs of the events industry

Group 1 (1)


Measure the impact of your events accurately

Leverage access to easy-to-understand feedback, proven research methodologies and real-time intelligence for quick strategic decision-making and resource optimization.

  • Streamline data collection and measurement

  • Access insightful data that shows value

  • Manage your business resources more effectively 

Group 160848


Demonstrate the ROI of your exhibits with Maxbi

Get detailed insights into trade show activities and results, identify easy opportunities for improvement and benchmark your exhibit performance
to optimize returns. 

  • Prove the value of exhibits easily

  • Build exhibit programs based on past success

  • Balance exhibit investment with generated returns 

Who is Explori for?

Tailored solutions for every global event organizer

Whether you’re working in-house for a large organization, or trade shows are your business, we have the right solutions for you! 

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Exhibition Organizers
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Leverage Explori’s insights for the necessary intelligence to make informed decisions for businesses. 

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Corporate Leaders
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Get access to data to show the impact of your event strategy on the wider company objectives. 

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Exhibit Marketers
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Prove ROI and measure how exhibits move the sales and marketing dial for your organization. 

Why choose EXPLORI?

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Growth-Focused Event Insights

We enable future growth based on past event insights.

Technology-Driven Processes

We help minimize existing complex, manual processes.

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Fully-Focused on Your Success 

Your dedicated account manager and our customer success team are there to support you and your team.  

Insights for all professionals

We are the supplier of choice for thousands of businesses across the world. Wondering why businesses like yours love Explori? Tap the button below!

Check out our latest publications

View our most recent research articles, reports and guides; get free insights helpful to your business.

lEt us show you

Schedule a demo with one of our event specialists

Explori has the largest research agency dedicated to the meetings, events and exhibitions market — with a focus on post-event feedback and attendee experience.

Our research team delivers strategic insights that help organizers understand the needs of their attendees and inform the future direction of an event portfolio.  

Speak with a team member now

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